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the mittens is a story of a group of friends who live in mitten town.
The main character, Hugs, takes us on a journey of Mitten land and all its wonders, through the character Fish the alien who crash lands in Mitten land at the start of show 1.
Everyone should have their chance to shine and be brilliant.
Mittens have their own unique way of doing things have many of their own sayings, or ‘Mittenismums’, and words of wisdom to help a fellow Mitten out. And Hugs quite naturally just welcomes Fish.

The main action takes place in the garden shared by three houses.
There is a live DJ and band, the baby seagulls, to help the songs along.
The middle house belongs to hugs. The right hand house to Ophelia Nads. Ophelia shares her house with Mick and Zen. Ophelia likes singing from her balcony, as if singing to the adoring fans.
Mick and Zen share the ground floor flat, they are in a relationSHIP.
The left house to Ruby Wise.
On a bench sleeps Zed, a drifter who is never homeless or lonely. when he arrived in the garden he just didn't want to leave, and quite frankly it would be rude to ask him to leave .
From time to time he wakes up and shares his dreams and sings the most beautiful songs about the world and its splendour.
From time to time he gets up to use the outside restroom or 'Zedroom' as they call it.
All shows are completely balanced. Trees and plants and flowers planted and given back to the earth and seeds are sown.
There are lots of in jokes and a nod to knowing the show is great. Slowly the characters are introduced to us and Fish.
The Mittens story is written in 6 seasons in hug-0-vision.
Mittens a musical comedy rock-u-mentory show with a deep and warm understanding of the world.
Mittens is written as a live action story of a group of friends who live together or as neighbours and the mad world of the Mittens where anything surprising and silly can happen.
The set and everything about Mittens is colourful. ​
Although it may feel childlike, the innocence that it has is universal to all ages and any action should feel cartoon like.
Mittens is organic and grows as required, nothing about Mittens is written in stone.

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